Toffee Apple Bread and Butter Pudding

xmas Leftover Bread and Butter Pudding
26th December 2017

Toffee Apple Bread and Butter Pudding


  • 3 Red Dessert Apples
  • Juice ½ Lemon
  • 4 Tbsp Golden Caster Sugar
  • 397g Can Caramel
  • 6 Brioche Finger Rolls, (sliced into rounds)
  • 3 Eggs
  • 400ml Full-Fat Milk
  • 200ml Double Cream
  • 1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
  • Whipped Cream, to serve (optional)
  1. Core the apples, then slice into chunks. Toss through the lemon juice and 2 tbsp sugar. Spread about 2 /3 of the caramel over the base of a large baking dish (ours was 20 x 30cm).
  2. Layer the brioche and apple chunks in the dish in overlapping lines. Dot spoonfuls of the leftover caramel here and there, leaving bits of apple poking out.
  3. In a jug, whisk the eggs, milk, cream, vanilla extract and 1 tbsp sugar. Pour the mixture over the brioche and apples, making sure it’s all well covered, then wrap in cling film. Set aside for at least 30 mins, or overnight, in the fridge.
  4. Heat oven to 170C/150C fan/gas 3. Uncover the pudding and scatter with the remaining 1 tbsp sugar. Bake for 45-50 mins until the top is golden and the custard has set. The caramel should be bubbling around the edges and the pudding puffed up. Serve with vanilla ice cream, brandy butter, whipped cream or custard, whatever takes your fancy and whatever is left in the fridge! .